Feb 25, 2009

champions league anthem


:Ce sont les meilleures équipes

:Es sind die allerbesten Mannschaften

:The main event

:Die Meister

:Die Besten

:Les grandes équipes

:The champions

:Une grande reunion

:Eine grosse sportliche Veranstaltung

:The main event

:Ils sont les meilleurs

:Sie sind die Besten

:These are the champions

:Die Meister

:Die Besten

:Les grandes équipes

:The champions

:Die Meister

:Die Besten

:Les grandes équipes

:The champions

Feb 21, 2009

cyber kids

too much internet?

Aku dan Dirimu


Aku dan Dirimu

Tiba saatnya kita, saling bicara,
tentang perasaan yang, kian menyiksa,
tentang rindu yang menggebu,
tentang cinta yang tak terungkap.

Sudah terlalu lama, kita berdiam,
tenggelam dalam gelisah, yang tak teredam,
meme-nuhi, mimpi-mimpi, malam kita.

Duhai cinta ku, sayang ku, lepaskanlah,
perasaan mu, rindu mu, s’luruh cinta mu,
dan kini hanya, ada aku, dan diri mu,
sesaat, di keabadian.

Jika sang waktu bisa, kita hentikan,
oh, dan s’gala mimpi-mimpi jadi kenyataan,
meleburkan semua batas,
antara kau dan aku,



Duhai cinta ku, sayang ku, lepaskanlah,
perasaan mu, rindu mu, s’luruh cinta mu,
[Reff] ^

Jangan lupa baca perkeso punya akta!!

Sepasang kekasih baru yang bekerja sebagai pekerja sosial.. Hamid dan
Rosni selalu bersama walau kemana jua.. Suatu malam ketika mereka berdua
keluar berdating…

Hamid : “Kita nak kemana nie?
Rosni : “Tak kisah la.. mana-mana pun boleh”
Hamid : “Apa kata kalau kita ke pantai..
Rosni : “Saya ok aje..”

Apabila sampai dipantai mereka berdua tidak keluar dari kereta.. merekahanya berehat sambil berbual-bual didalam kereta.. Mulanya berbual biasa..lama-kelamaan.. Hamid meletakkan tangannya di paha Rosni.. nampaknya Rosni tidak membantah.. Beberapa minit kemudian.. Hamid mengerakkan tangannya beberapa inci ke atas… Rosni masih tidak membantah… hinggalah akhirnya ketika Hamid mengerakkan tangannya beberapa inci lagi..
Rosni berkata dengan sopan.. “Abang Hamid… ingatlah pada akta 15 dalam perlembagaan
pekerja sosial” Setelah mendengarkan teguran Rosni itu.. Hamid terus menarik tangannya menjauhi Rosni.. walaupun sebenarnya dia tidak berapa ingat isi kandungan akta 15 itu..

Hamid : “Maafkan saya”
Rosni : “Tak apa”

Lalu mereka pulang… Di rumah.. Hamid terus masuk ke bilik dan membuka buku perlembagaan pekerja sosial dan mencari akta 15.. lalu dia membaca kandungannya…

“Teruskan Usahamu.. Jangan lakukan Separuh Jalan Sahaja”

HIV Resistance Through Oral Sex?

It has long been known that contracting HIV through oral sex is rare. Klara Hasselrot of Stockholm's Karolinska Institutet recently wrapped up a study--detailed in a forthcoming paper in the international AIDS journal AIDS--that might shed some light on why this is. It provides the first-ever evidence that humans can develop resistance to HIV in their saliva.
Hasselrot and her colleagues recruited 25 healthy men, all in long-term homosexual relationships with an HIV-positive partner, and tested their spit for IgA1 antibodies—the same ones that apparently protect some Kenyan sex workers from infection. Thirteen of the men who were regularly exposed to HIV through oral sex with their infected partners had significant amounts of salivary IgA1. The researchers isolated the antibodies and tested their ability to neutralize a lab strain of HIV. The conclusion? "Exposure to HIV, as a consequence of oral intercourse, is sufficient to produce an IgA1-mediated HIV-neutralizing response in the oral mucosa of uninfected men with a male partner." In other words, being exposed to HIV orally can induce an immune response in saliva that neutralizes the virus. This immunity is also fairly durable--the men in the study were retested after two years, and all but one retained their ability to neutralize the virus. Even more interesting is the fact that men whose partners carried a higher viral load of HIV had a higher capacity to neutralize, suggesting that their antibody production is sensitive to fluctuations in the amount of virus they are exposed to.
Obviously it's a bad idea to go around willy-nilly having unprotected oral sex with HIV-infected men, but the participants in Hasselrot's study reported relying on oral sex as a "safe" substitute for anal sex, and it turns out that they were on to something.
source - popular science
There is always a cure for every sickness, its just a matter of time, but, i think It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened. Prevention is better than cure :)

kaki pelangi

org tua2 kata kat kaki pelangi tu ada harta karun.. ye ke?. ni la first time nampak pelangi sampai bawah..

lambat pergi kerja

try la bagi alasan camni kat bos mana tau die leh terima ke ye tak. alasan standard aku biasala.. pegi bank kejap ke, pegi klinik ke hahah, tapi aku jarang dtg lambat.. cewahh

Maksud mimpi

1. Bermimpi makan gula alamatnya seseorang akan berduka cita
2. Bermimpi makan makanan masam memberi alamat anda akan sakit atau berduka cita
3. Jika bermimpi memakan ubat alamatnya anda akan berada dalam keadaan aman dan sentosa
4. Sekiranya bermimpi diri anda telah sembuh dari demam,menandakan cita-cita anda akan berjaya.
5. Jika bermimpi muka anda merah atau hitam menandakan anda akan mendapat bahaya.
6. Jika bermimpi gigi anda patah menandakan saudara anda akan mendapat kemalangan atau mati.
7. Jika bermimpi diri anda dipukul orang atau mengalami perdarahan menandakan anda akan kehilangan harta.
8. Jika bermimpi dimarahi guru, menandakan anda akan dimurkai oleh orang-orang besar.
9. Jika bermimpi rumah anda atau rumah orang lain runtuh alamatnya anda akan difitnah.
10.Jika bermimpi naik ke rumah besar atau mahligai yang indah anda akan memperoleh kebesaran di dunia dan akhirat.
11. Jika bermimpi membuat rumah atau dinding alamatnya anda akan memperolehi kekayaan dan selamat dalam kerjaya anda.
12. Jika bermimpi melihat rumah yang tinggi menandakan anda akan berkawan dengan orang jahat
13. Bermimpi tangga rumah patah menandakan anda akan dikhianati
14. Sekiranya di dalam mimpi anda anda berwudhuk alamatnya pekerjaan anda akan sempurna
15. Jika bermimpi tidak boleh berenang atau sesak nafas yang teramat sangat menandakan anda akan memperoleh harta atau ilmu
16. Sekiranya anda bermimpi berjalan atau berlayar ke sesuatu tempat yang jauh menandakan anda akan dipermuliakan orang
17. Bermimpikan ayam sabung menyambung menandakan anak lelaki anda akan berkawan dengan orang baik

18. Sekiranya bermimpi melihat lelaki lebih ramai daripada perempuan menandakan anda akan mendapat kebajikan
19. Jika bermimpi memegang dakwat atau kalam, alamatnya anda akan memperoleh isteri, ilmu dan harta yang halal
20. Jika bermimpi mata atau tubuh anda bercahaya alamatnya anda akan memperoleh kebajikan dengan sempurna
21. Jika bermimpi mencukur bulu ketiak menandakan anda akan terlepas dari harta yang ditanggung
22. Jika bermimpi berjumpa dengan orang alim alamatnya anda akan menjadi penghulu besar
23. Jika bermimpi memotong rambut menandakan anda akan bercerai dengan isteri
24. Bermimpi membuang darah menandakan anda akan sembuh dari penyakit
25. Jika bermimpi paras anda mempunyai perempuan alamatnya anda akan memperoleh harta atau anak
26. Jika bermimpi diri anda mati menandakan anda akan panjang umur tetapi jika bermimpi mati hidup semula alamatnya kehendak anda akan diperoleh
27. Sekiranya diri anda bermimpi dibawa ke kubur alamatnya anda akan beroleh kekayaan
28. Jika bermimpi kanak-kanak datang kepada anda menandakan anda akan memperoleh harta yang banyak
29. Jika anda bermimpi hujan turun dengan lebat, anda akan mendapat rezeki berlipat kali ganda dan memperoleh rezeki yang halal.
30. Jika bermimpi bintang jatuh ke riba atau jatuh ke atas rumah menandakan anda akan memperoleh kejayaan dan dikurniakan anak yang baik.
31. Jika bermimpi mendengar halilintar atau guruh petir menandakan sesuatu yang tidak baik akan berlaku
32. Jika anda bermimpi mandi dalam sungai menandakan anda akan beroleh rahmat
33. Jika bermimpi menyelam dalam sungai yang airnya sejuk alamatnya anda akan beroleh nikmat di dunia dan akhirat
34. Jika bermimpi air laut menjadi tawar atau manis anda akan memperoleh harta atau dijauhi dari sebarang bahaya.
35. Jika anda bermimpi air terlalu panas menandakan anda akan berduka cita.
36. Bermimpi makan api memberi alamat beroleh isteri yang bijaksana
37. Bermimpi tentang emas,perak atau timah menandakan kerja yang dilakukan tidak mendapat sebarang keuntungan
38. Bermimpi emas bertahtakan permata anda akan mendapat kekayaan
39. Jika bermimpi harimau datang kepada anda alamatnya anda akan memperoleh kehinaan
40. Jika bermimpi melihat babi atau anaknya menandakan orang itu melakukan pekerjaan terkutuk. Sebaliknya jika bermimpi membunuh babi atau tikus anda akan menunaikan haji atau memperoleh pahala haji.
41. Jika bermimpi pelanduk atau kijang datang kepada anda alamatnya anda akan memperolehi isteri yang jahat.
42. Jika bermimpi melihat terlalu banyak ayam di bawah rumah anda atau di dalam kampung anda akan beroleh orang gaji atau hamba yang baik
43. Jika bermimpi bermain telor ayam menandakan anda akan berkawan dengan orang-orang jahat
44. Bermimpi burung putih datang ke rumah menandakan anda akan memperoleh isteri yang budiman atau mendapat rezeki
45. Jika bermimpi menunggang naga menandakan semua kehendak diperoleh
46. Jika bermimpi dililit ular seluruh badan menandakan sesuatu
yang buruk akan berlaku

47. Jika bermimpi dipatuk ular seseorang itu akan mendapat suami atau isteri
48. Bermimpi makan telor ayam, pisang atau minyak alamatnya akan memperoleh keuntungan
49. Bermimpi memukat ikan alamatnya anda akan menjadi kaya atau mendapat keuntungan yang berlipat kali ganda
50. Bermimpi mencari burung alamatnya anda akan mendapat keuntungan dan dimurahkan rezeki
51. Bermimpi tubuh anda direnjis air mawar menandakan anda akan mendapat harta kekayaan yang halal
52. Jika bermimpi katil basah, elok anda bangun, mungkin terkencing atas tilam hehe.

Feb 18, 2009

Naruto: The Way of Ninja 2.0

men game jap aaa mlm nih..

Naruto is a manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto with a couple Uzumaki Naruto as the main character. But there was a version for the PC missing, which is offered here. Naruto: The Way of the Ninja is a fighting game between three characters: the aforementioned Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura Uchiba, three aspiring to become a great warrior. In the village of Konoha, located in Tierra del Fuego, a demon called Kyuubi wants to destroy the universe, and Naruto and his colleagues have to use all their knowledge of martial arts to stop it. The program, with an air hose and great graphics, fun guaranteed

download - http://rapidshare.com/files/199339298/Naruto_TWON_2.0.rar

Feb 16, 2009

Feb 15, 2009

toughguy challenge -ade brani?

Tak sangka ada gak challenge camni - toughguy/ aku rasa samada dorang ni ..
A) The toughest people alive
B) The stupidest people alive coz susahkan diri wat camni
Pic2 semua kat sini boston.com/bigpicture/2009/02/tough_guy_

LCD vs Plasma in 2009

Although the debate between LCD and plasma has raged on for years, the real battle only started two years ago when manufacturers started producing LCDs big enough to go head to head with plasmas. Now that it has been raging for two years, we've seen some interesting trends develop. LCDs have been very successful at pushing plasma out of its most popular size, 42-inches, and some manufacturers have stopped producing that size all together. Also a result of the success of LCDs, the number of plasma manufactures has decreased over the past two years. Pioneer is the most notable to announce its plan to stop producing its own plasmas starting with the next model and will instead buy glass from Panasonic, but Hitachi and Phillips have also announced similar plans and Fujitsu got out of the display business all together. Some might use these events combined with the latest green movement to conclude that plasma is dead, but not so fast.

Plasmas still offer the best value in the 50+ sizes and the best contrast and color reproduction -- which any videophile will tell you is way more important than brightness, which seems to be sole reason why the masses prefer LCD. And plasmas aren't completely in the grave yet -- in fact, most of the biggest manufactures still sell plasmas including Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Hitachi, Pioneer. In fact, recently things have actually started to turn around for the PDP sector. The most notable trend is that the latest plasmas from Hitachi, Pioneer, LG, and Panasonic all pass the latest stringent Energy Star requirements of the 208-Watt "on mode" and less than 1-Watt "standby mode." And the market is showing this comeback as well which is indicated by the latest DisplaySearch report which showed that plasma sales grew by 37 percent year-over-year in the third quarter of 2008 -- in a time that is very hard time for any market to show growth.

So while no technology can be successful forever, plasma has at the very least a few years left, and we believe it won't be LCD that will kill it. The only technology that actually seems poised to replace it is OLED, and with the biggest (and only) consumer model at 11-inches, there is plenty of time left on the clock for plasmas. That being said, we only see two main markets for plasmas moving forward as LCDs continue to grow in size and shrink in price. The first being videophiles who demand the best contrast and color money can buy, and the second being value shoppers looking for a way to buy a 60-inch TV for as cheap as possible. But with the latest LCD LED-backlit displays making huge strides in color and contrast, and Laser TVs hitting the streets, anyone who tells you they know what is going to happen in the next 18 to 24 months has no idea what they're talking about

romantic movies tag

aku tak tau apebenda kena2 tag ni..rupa2 nya kena wat posting apa yg blogger post kat blog dorang ke..sorila sapa yg tag aku before this..saye tak tau hehe.. ok la 1st time la aku wat benda alah ni lepas kena tagged ngan hernee nazir. so aku try la wat although rasa cam budak2 lak hehe

***** The Rules*****
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual) 1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones.. 2. It doesn't have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine.. 3. You have to tag another 5 person to answer this tag

aku jarang tgk romantic movie sebenonya

1)Titanic (mase tgk kt cinema sume awek nangis huhu..)

2)Romeo and Juliet (claire danes comelnye dlm cite ni)

3)Pretty Woman (panjang betul kaki dia hehe)

4)You've got mail (movie yg kenalkan kite cinta internet)

5)There's something about Mary (lawak tapi sweet)

5 person to tag
- miszyue
- sufi
- suefinger
- darlina
- wana

by the way..sapa2 yg cari dvd nak tengok ngan gf/bf/husband tu..nah pilih sini, top choice for romantic movie poll by user, kalo cite melayu apa ek..ermm cite Azura kot..layann..hehe

Feb 9, 2009

world tallest building

The creation of the tallest building in the world has become such a status-seeking quest, cities and countries competing for the title have stopped revealing the planned height of their buildings. CNET has just reported, however, that the Burj Dubai tower has just taken the record at 1,680 feet and 141 floors so far - and it isn’t even finished yet (2009)

But will dubai last long as the world tallest? the structural engineers at Hyder Consulting have announced that they are planning what will be, by an overwhelming margin, the world's tallest skyscraper, coming in at double the height of the Burj Dubai – or very nearly one vertical mile. The firm has "confirmed that the tower would be located in the Middle East region," we're told, "but would not give any further details

However, the tallest of them all will be a Japanese building to be build byTaisei Corporation has created a design for the world’s tallest building, measuring in at 13,123.2 feet. That’s almost 8 times taller than the world's current tallest building, Taipei 101, and 6.5 times taller than Burj Dubai, which is currently under construction in the United Arab Emirates and scheduled to take the title of World's Tallest Structure in 2008.The Mt. Fuiji-looking building, officially titled the X-Seed 4000, will be built in Tokyo, Japan, though when (or even if) this will happen is still speculative. Once constructed, the outer-stratosphere-scraper will house between 500,000 and 1 million people on its 800 floors.

hmmm... takpe2.. kuala lumpur, malaysia still have the tallest 'TWIN' tower building :)

tanda cinta abadi

A drunken fling ended in disaster for a man who woke up to find his lover's name carved into his arm. Dominique Fisher, 22, used a knife to write her name on Wayne Robinson's upper arm. Apparently Wayne Robinson, went over to Dominque Fisher's house for a little sex after a night of drinking and woke up the next morning with her name carved into his arm and a bunch of other cuts. (mail online)
"When I woke I was covered in blood. Dominique was snoring. I just had to get out of there. I didn't even wake her to ask what she'd done.' 'I'm scarred for life,' he told The Sun. 'I wish I'd never met her.' 'I went to her place for sex, not to be tattoed. I can't believe she did this to me and I hate her.

Haha..tu la mamat ni..tau nak free sex jek..last2 kena awek yg pelik huhu.. macam2, gila pun ada ;p rasa2 ada sapa2 berani buat macam tu tak ek..

Feb 8, 2009

LIGER vs (tiger or lion) sapa menang?

tau tak apa tu LIGER? tu la anak lion ngan tiger..pelik pulak.. ni la keje mat saleh..dia kacukkan rimau ngan singa. Rasa2 kalau LIGER lagi kuat ke tak??

Liger vs tiger

Tiger vs lion

how to search PDF MP3 or other files using Google

Well its very simple.. just go to Google.com and punch “site:rapidshare.com” (if you want to search from rapidhare) followed by:

“inurl:pdf” for Ebooks in PDF Format
“inurl:avi/wmv/mpg/nva” for Movies
“inurl:mp3/ogg/wma” for Audio Files
“inurl:exe” for executable application
“inurl:zip/rar/7zip/tar” for RAR, ZIP, 7ZIP or TAR compressed archieve

you can follow the screenshot example above. So download your document foc :)

shave the baby?

boleh shave baby? apebenda pelik toys nih?? nampak cam made in china?

Feb 7, 2009

gosip artis indon

dah puas baca berita2 pasal bangla tadi aku surfing ke negara jiran lak hehe, since kat msia ni dah banyak sgt sinetron indonesia kan, sampai ada 24hrs dedicated chanel kat astro, so mesti dah ramai peminat2 artis seberang kan kan? nak baca pasal dorang kat sini.. boleh improve bahasa indonesia skali hehe http://www.detikhot.com/ by the way sapa nama model video klip peter pan? julie estelle kan..waduh..cakep bangat dunks :P

updated- lupa lak..ni satu lagi.. http://www.kapanlagi.com/

berita bangla

rasa bosan tak baca berita n newspaper kat msia yg tak abis2 ngan politik skang ni? ok jom baca paper online bangladesh la plak hehe, takpun kalau ada sapa2 tak puas2 tengok mat2 bangla kat msia pastu nak tau pasal negara die plak ke ... ha ni link dia http://priyo.com/

Feb 6, 2009

Oii donkey!

donkey like what he sees. takde keje tul this donkey, report kat shrek kang ;p

Room Arranger program

Room Arranger Multilanguage Portable

Room Arranger is a useful program which lets you arrange a room, house or garden in any way you want to. Design your room, office, apartment or house, plan gardens and more...You move heavy furniture just to everything would fit with no problem, be handy, and have a good impact. Room Arranger enables you to simulate everything with no need to draw on a square paper, or to push things there and back repeatedly. Room Arranger can be used not only for designing the rooms or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas - garden architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign (webpage as the room).

So since korang semua mempunyai bilik or rumah yg bersepah, boleh la guna software ni hehe
download here

Feb 5, 2009

Bra for men? erkk..

Bras are not only for women? A Japanese online lingerie retailer is selling bras for cross-dressing men and they've quickly become one of its most popular items. Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten , a major Japanese web shopping mall, the Wishroom shop has sold over 300 men's bras for 2,800 yen ($30 or RM105 ) each. The shop also stocks men's panties, as well as lingerie for women.

Kalau target customer diorang guy yg gemuk sgt ok kot nak kasi cover some area huhu, tapi tengok video laki kurus pun pakai ke...cam lawak la plak..geli pun ade, pakai singlet kan senang..abis cite, apedaa.. :p

Automobiles march 2009

minat keta? nah baca majalah latest nih.. download kat sini

Hello Kitty Hospital

This is the world's first Hello Kitty-themed maternity hospital in Yuanlin, Taiwan. Here patients will be bombarded with images of the mouthless cat stamped onto everything from nurses to birth certificates. The Huasheng clinic was built in 2006 with a capacity of 30 beds, and its Kitty theme has been officially approved. Hospital director Tsai opened the hospital with T$100 million ($3 million) in his hometown of 126,000 because his mother, wife and daughter all like the cartoon cat.
Hehe kat msia takde ke eh? apa kata kalau general hospital wat tema yg camni ke..mesra pesakit skit hehe...

Dies after thrown in the air at retirement party

pic not related

A japanese newspaper reported that a 60-year-old man who was thrown into the air in celebration at his retirement party died after his colleagues failed to catch him (reuters). Wahh so sad..he worked hard until age 60, but when his colleagues threw him in the air as celebration, nobody caught him on his way down. As a result, the man damaged his neck and back bone and lived the last 10 months of his life completely paralyzed. The wife is filing a gross negligence claim against the 40 coworkers who were there at the incident.
Hmm why ppl like to celebrate birthday or milestones is such dangerous or weird way?. Even when i cut my hair at the barber shop near my house, i always refuse when the barber want to sengetkan my head in order to make my neck make the sound like "kruk krak" ..scared woo :P I think 25 should be the last year that i can have a wild celebration hehe.. or at least a simple get together or dinner or karaoke should do it for a memorable moment .. ;p


skarang KL musim hujan.. kalau rasa sejuk sangat..pakai la sweater mcm nih :p

Feb 4, 2009

how fast you can type ?

got it from bbsyasya blog. Lets test your skill of typing hehe..

this my result after 5th try
57 words


235 points, so you achieved position 520551 of 2189311 on the ranking list

You type 317 characters per minute
You have 57 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words

tak sia2 aku kena paksa belaja menaip pakai old typewriter masa lepas SRP awal taun 90an dulu adehh, tapi bole hidup 6 jari jek la tekan keyboard, lari from class hehe. aku rasa yg top 5000 tu mesti 8 jari bergerak, laju betul dorang ..sapa yg taip pakai 1, 2 jari jek tu..mesti tipu kalau lebih 45 hehehe :p

Feb 3, 2009


mana satu LCD TV 32inch yg paling ok ni..konpius2
1- LG80FR (LG)
2- LC32A53M (SHARP Aquos)
3- KLV 32S-400A (SONY Bravia)
4- Samsung

LG - very good surround sound system
Sharp - the best picture quality
Sony - branded kot(baca kat forum sony using samsung panel?)
Samsung - high contrast very good for gaming
arghhh...dlm dilemma nih

1 Million Visitors guaranteed?

Rasa2 website korang boleh cecah 1 million visitors tak? well, website nih fwebttraffic.com claim dia boleh guaranteed 1 juta orang real visitors akan surf ke website yg korang bagi. ikut logic explananation die cam masuk akal gak. submit la sapa rajin...

Lagi Bagus Dari Google Adsense?

Boring dengan google adsense?. Jom try BIDVERTISER advertisement site yang bayar lebih dari google adsense, by paypal or by cheque. So apelagi register free cepat kat sini!

Feb 2, 2009

Perihal Cat (paint)

Cat apa paling bagus sekali? which paint should i choose? good paint? Cat murah? ICI ? NIPPON? PAR? So today aku pegi ke Kedai Cat Boon Seng kat klang, jalan meru (Sebelah Plaza Pantai Bharu). Utk orang klang, shah alam, kedai ni price dia agak reasonable jugak, selalu bagi diskaun. Apart from those 3 popular brand tu, ada banyak lagi brand..macam KCC (korea), matex, colourland (Msia), Jotun (Norway), Season, Seamaster, etc2. As for those 3, ICI dulux is UK, Nippon - Japan, Par - x tahu. So aku mintak lah buku2 cat bawak balik rumah so that senang aku nak pilih colour yg sesuai.

Menurut tokey kedai tu, cat yg paling bagus ialah ICI dulux, lepas tu Nippon paint. Sebab tu harga dia mahal kot. Kalau ICI dulux weathershield harga dalam rm110, Nippon weatherbond pulak ~ rm 100 camtu, tu harga 5 liter punya tin. So kalau nak cat rumah tu kurang2 kena 2 tin, adehh.. Tapi kalau untuk interior harga agak murah sikit ICI Pentalite Easy Clean price dalam rm85 jek, and Nippon pulak less than that. Nak murah lagi ada, tapi brand murah la..tepuk dada tanya selera, nak yg mana cantik ke, tahan lama ke, bersinar2 ke. Tapi kalau nak colour pelik2, kita boleh request, guna Nippon colour Creation machine, dia akan campur main colour sampai jadi kaler yg kita nak. Tapi harga jadi mahal la dalam rm95 camtu untuk Nippon Spot Less

So aku decide ngan ada budget skit n consider umah aku yg kecik -
interior wall - ICI Pentalite EasyClean colour Debutant
feature wall - Nippon Spotless colour Golden Sage
exterior back - ICI weathershield colour Monterrey
exterior front- Nippon weatherbond colour Woodford + Light Leaf

Ntah apa la jadi bila dah siap nanti, men belasah jek ni.

Popular Magazine for men

Jom baca majalah untuk lelaki online.. tapi bahasa indonesia la, surfing2 terjumpa plak.. sini link http://www.popular-maj.com/ tapi kurang sesuai utk budak2 yg masih skolah :p

An interesting pie chart

A pie chart (or a circle graph) is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating relative magnitudes or frequences or percents. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents. Together, the sectors create a full disk. It is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced. Statisticians tend to regard pie charts as a poor method of displaying information. While pie charts are common in business and journalism, they are uncommon in scientific literature. One reason for this is that it is more difficult for comparisons to be made between the size of items in a chart when area is used instead of length.
Lets see the the pie in different angle as below. its a good method of displaying information to me :p

laughing seal

hahaha.. gelak besar nampak

Liverpool Anthem


When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown,
Walk on, walk on,
With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone...

Liverpool menang lagi

89min - GOAL FOR LIVERPOOL!! TORRES WITH THE HEADER!! Gerrard exchanged passes with Kuyt and fed Aurelio on the left; his ball was superb to the near post, where the striker headed past Cech brilliantly. It is his first goal at Anfield this season

90+4 - TORRES SCORES A SECOND!! He passes into the open goal after Benayoun skipped away from Cole - who had controlled poorly to gift the chance to the Reds

zass..kena lagi chelsea 2 kali musim ni... :)

Feb 1, 2009

federer kalah lagi

most grand slam singles titles all time

Australian open final - nadal menang lagi vs federer. hampeh aa federer..kalau lawan nadal mmg tak leh menang punya, 5 kali kalah at final to nadal. Stuck kat 13 nampaknya federer, boring aa..layan liverpool vs chelsea malam ni..

This girl is everywhere!

Camana rasa kalau gamba u ade kat dimana-mana? Macam artis pun ada..macam model pun ada kan.. Nak tau..kena baca story of the Everywhere girl. Ada blog http://blog.ideeinc.com/2008/01/22/everywhere-girl-the-book/ wat image recognition, muka dia ada di mana2. Dia pun dah ada ada her own blog kat http://www.theeverywheregirl.com/ .. hurmm..macam-macam

Lets Play the Hangman

lets play the hangman. Think u can beat The HangMan?? Bagus utk buang masa hehe

nyamuk hampeh

apasal nyamuk ni tak reti bahasa betul... dah aku sembur dgn ridsect sedara mara kau sampai bergelimpangan.. tapi kau datang lagi dan lagi dan lagi ..